Python Natural Language Processing Cookbook
By :

A dependency parse is a tool that shows dependencies in a sentence. For example, in the sentence The cat wore a hat, the root of the sentence in the verb, wore, and both the subject, the cat, and the object, a hat, are dependents. The dependency parse can be very useful in many NLP tasks since it shows the grammatical structure of the sentence, along with the subject, the main verb, the object, and so on. It can be then used in downstream processing.
We will use spacy
to create the dependency parse. If you already downloaded it while working on the previous chapter, you do not need to do anything more. Otherwise, please follow the instructions at the beginning of Chapter 1, Learning NLP Basics, to install the necessary packages.
We will take a few sentences from the sherlock_holmes1.txt
file to illustrate the dependency parse. The steps are as follows:
:import spacy
sentence = 'I have seldom heard him mention her under any other name.'
engine:nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
engine:doc = nlp(sentence)
object. We can see the dependency tags by looping through the tokens in doc
:for token in doc: print(token.text, "\t", token.dep_, "\t", spacy.explain(token.dep_))
function, which shows the meanings of the tags: I nsubj nominal subject have aux auxiliary seldom advmod adverbial modifier heard ROOT None him nsubj nominal subject mention ccomp clausal complement her dobj direct object under prep prepositional modifier any det determiner other amod adjectival modifier name pobj object of preposition . punct punctuation
class. Using its ancestors
and children
attributes, we can get the tokens that this token depends on and the tokens that depend on it, respectively. The code to get these ancestors is as follows:for token in doc: print(token.text) ancestors = [t.text for t in token.ancestors] print(ancestors)
The output will be as follows:
I ['heard'] have ['heard'] seldom ['heard'] heard [] him ['mention', 'heard'] mention ['heard'] her ['mention', 'heard'] under ['mention', 'heard'] any ['name', 'under', 'mention', 'heard'] other ['name', 'under', 'mention', 'heard'] name ['under', 'mention', 'heard'] . ['heard']
children token
, use the following code:for token in doc: print(token.text) children = [t.text for t in token.children] print(children)
I [] have [] seldom [] heard ['I', 'have', 'seldom', 'mention', '.'] him [] mention ['him', 'her', 'under'] her [] under ['name'] any [] other [] name ['any', 'other'] . []
for token in doc: print(token.text) subtree = [t.text for t in token.subtree] print(subtree)
This will produce the following output:
I ['I'] have ['have'] seldom ['seldom'] heard ['I', 'have', 'seldom', 'heard', 'him', 'mention', 'her', 'under', 'any', 'other', 'name', '.'] him ['him'] mention ['him', 'mention', 'her', 'under', 'any', 'other', 'name'] her ['her'] under ['under', 'any', 'other', 'name'] any ['any'] other ['other'] name ['any', 'other', 'name'] . ['.']
The spacy
NLP engine does the dependency parse as part of its overall analysis. The dependency parse tags explain the role of each word in the sentence. ROOT
is the main word that all the other words depend on, usually the verb.
From the subtrees that each word is part of, we can see the grammatical phrases that appear in the sentence, such as the noun phrase (NP) any other name and prepositional phrase (PP) under any other name.
The dependency chain can be seen by following the ancestor links for each word. For example, if we look at the word name, we will see that its ancestors are under, mention, and heard. The immediate parent of name is under, under's parent is mention, and mention's parent is heard. A dependency chain will always lead to the root, or the main word, of the sentence.
In step 1, we import the spacy
package. In step 2, we initialize the variable sentence that contains the sentence to be parsed. In step 3, we load the spacy
engine and in step 4, we use the engine to process the sentence.
In step 5, we print out each token's dependency tag and use the spacy.explain
function to see what those tags mean.
In step 6, we print out the ancestors of each token. The ancestors will start at the parent and go up until they reach the root. For example, the parent of him is mention, and the parent of mention is heard, so both mention and heard are listed as ancestors of him.
In step 7, we print children of each token. Some tokens, such as have, do not have any children, while others have several. The token that will always have children, unless the sentence consists of one word, is the root of the sentence; in this case, heard.
In step 8, we print the subtree for each token. For example, the word under is in the subtree under any other name.
The dependency parse can be visualized graphically using the displacy
package, which is part of spacy
. Please see Chapter 8, Visualizing Text Data, for a detailed recipe on how to perform visualization.
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