The following code snippets illustrate some of the simple tasks we can do with knowledge of POS-tags. These examples don't achieve too much in terms of in-depth text analysis, but offer a quick glance at text manipulation once we have our text processed.
def make_verb_upper(text, pos): return text.upper() if pos == "VERB" else text doc = nlp(u'Tom ran swiftly and walked slowly') text = ''.join(make_verb_upper(w.text_with_ws, w.pos_) for w in doc)
As the function name suggests, the preceding code is to change all the verbs of the sentence into uppercase. By doing a quick check of the POS-tag and the basic string function upper, we can achieve this in 5 lines!
Another popular task often done during analysis of text is to count the occurrences of each kind of POS. This can be done quite quickly with the following...