Mastering React Native

React Native was first released with two competing navigation APIs. Facebook was internally experimenting with two different approaches to navigation when it was time to open source the library, so, rather than choose one over the other, both were included. As time went on, it was discovered that there were some pain points with those initial APIs and use cases, so a new navigation API that was more versatile and extensible was crafted. In addition to these official APIs, other community members, who wanted to create navigation APIs that reflected those used in React for the Web, created a number of projects on top of the React Native modules.
This is where we are today, with so many navigation options it could make your head spin. Fear not, for we will delve into each of these and give you the information you need to pick the best navigation strategy for your project.
The NavigatorIOS
component is built on top of the native iOS navigational components. This...