Mastering React Native

When it comes to building mobile applications, the two most popular approaches have been, first, building a native application for each target platform (iOS, Android, and so on), and second, writing a hybrid application by using web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and wrapping the app inside of a container WebView using a tool such as Adobe PhoneGap. Each option has its pros and cons. Native applications often feel faster and more responsive. They have built-in support for complex touch gestures and they look and feel consistent with their platform. As a post from the Facebook blog states, the reason we build native apps on these proprietary platforms is that right now, we can create better-feeling experiences that are more consistent with the rest of the platform than we can on the web. (Source: https://code.facebook.com/posts/1014532261909640/react-native-bringing-modern-web-techniques-to-mobile/) However, this comes at a cost...