Android High Performance Programming
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In Chapter 2, Efficient Debugging, the network tool was introduced, a tool we can use to perform an analysis of the network traffic from our device. We explained how the network connection could be tagged. This ensures that the analysis can be done easily.
The question of how to execute an interpretation of the data in the network tool does not have a single answer, since this interpretation lies in the different requirements an application may have based on its functionality and purpose. However, there are a few golden rules that do generally provide value to our own application if they are well executed:
Prefetch data: We tend to have a bias towards prefetching information and do this only on demand. This might be an easier solution, but in the long-term prefetching information can be beneficial. Perform a network analysis, and if you identify a situation where the data could be fetched in a previous situation while being beneficial for the app (for example, downloading some...