Learning Ionic
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Now we will see how to set up SCSS in an existing Ionic project. We will start off by scaffolding a new tabs project. Create a folder named chapter4
and inside that open a new terminal/prompt and run:
ionic start -a "Example 13" -i app.example.thirteen example13 tabs
We can set up SCSS in our project in two ways:
Manual setup
Ionic CLI task
To set up SCSS manually, we will follow these steps:
Using the cd
command, step into the example13
cd example13
Install the required dependencies. The Ionic project that we scaffold from templates comes with a package.json
file. This file already has all the dependencies needed to set up SCSS. Also, the project ships with a gulpFile.js
, with the SCSS task defined, that watches for the changes in your SCSS files and builds the CSS file on-the-fly.
To set up these dependencies, run this:
npm install
Also, if you did not install Gulp globally earlier, you can do so by running the following command:
Change the font size
Change margin width
Change background colour