Effective Robotics Programming with ROS
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I am sure that, at one point or another, you have used a joystick or a gamepad of a video console.
A joystick is nothing more than a series of buttons and potentiometers. With this device, you can perform or control a wide range of actions.
In ROS, a joystick is used to telecontrol a robot to change its velocity or direction.
Before we start, we are going to install some packages. To install these packages in Ubuntu, execute the following command:
$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-joystick-drivers $ rosstack profile & rospack profile
In these packages, you will find code to learn how to use the joystick and a guide to create our packages.
First of all, connect your joystick to your computer. Now, we are going to check whether the joystick is recognized using the following command:
$ ls /dev/input/
We will see the following output:
by-id event0 event2 event4 event6 event8 js0 mouse0 by-path event1 event3 event5 event7 event9 mice
The port created is js0
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