Embedded Linux Development with Yocto Project
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The logging utilities provided by BitBake are very useful to trace the code execution path. BitBake provides logging functions for use in Python and Shell Script code, as described:
Python: For use within Python functions, BitBake supports several log levels, which are bb.fatal
, bb.error
, bb.warn
, bb.note
, bb.plain
, and bb.debug
Shell Script: For use in Shell Script functions, the same set of log levels exists and is accessed with a similar syntax: bbfatal
, bberror
, bbwarn
, bbnote
, bbplain
, and bbdebug
These logging functions are very similar to each other but have inner differences as described:
and bbfatal
: These have the highest priority of logging messages as they print the message and terminate the processing. They cause the build to be interrupted.
and bberror
: They are used to display an error but do not force the build to stop.
and bbwarn
: They are used to warn users about something.
and bbnote
: These add...
Change the font size
Change margin width
Change background colour