Creating Data Stories with Tableau Public
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Now, let's look at the installation steps for Tableau Public:
The downloaded version of Tableau Public is free and not a limited release or demo version. It is a fully functional version of Tableau Public.
Check your Windows computer system type (32- or 64-bit) by navigating to Start | Computer and right-clicking on the Computer option. Select Properties, and view the System properties. 64-bit systems will be noted as such. 32-bit systems will either state that they are 32-bit systems, or not have any indication of being a 32- or 64-bit system.
(where x
has a value of either 32 or 64 depending on the version that you selected) file is downloaded. Navigate to that .msi
file in Windows Explorer or the browser window and click on Open. Click on Run in the Open File - Security Warning dialog box that appears in the following screenshot. The Windows installer starts the Tableau installation process:(You can customize the installation if you want to. Options include the directory in which the files are installed as well as the creation of a desktop icon and a Start Menu shortcut (for Windows machines). If you do not customize the installation, Tableau Public will be installed in the default directory on your computer, and the desktop icon and the Start Menu shortcut will be created.)
The Tableau Public home screen, as shown in the following screenshot, has several features that allow you to Connect to data, Open workbooks, and Discover the features of Tableau Public:
Tableau encourages new users to watch the video on this welcome page. To do so, click on the button named Watch the Getting Started Video. You can start building your first Tableau Public workbook any time.
You can connect to four different data source types in Tableau Public, as shown in the next screenshot, by clicking on the appropriate format name:
Chapter 2, Tableau Public Interface Features, focuses on connecting to data sources and explains this in detail.
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