IBM DB2 9.7 Advanced Administration Cookbook

There are some big shops which are running critical applications on DB2 on z/OS or i/OS. The reason to use these systems is that they are very reliable and provide unsurpassed scalability. Usually you need to connect and extract database from these systems. IBM provides a tool or an add-on named DB2 Connect for connecting to these systems. Next we'll show you how to catalog and establish connection to an i/OS DB2 database.
In the following recipe, we'll install DB2 Connect Server Edition product and establish a connection to a DB2 i/OS system and database.
After you have installed DB2 Connect, perform the following steps:
Launch Configuration Assistant from its installation home Configuration Assistant | Add Database Using Wizard…:
Select TCP/IP as the communication protocol.
Specify Host name and Service name:
Usually the database name in i/OS is identical to the host name:
Specify the instance; this will be used just...
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