The MySQL Workshop
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CSV files are often used to exchange data between different systems. This can be between database systems from different vendors or between a database and a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel. The biggest problem with CSV (which stands for Comma Separated Values) is that there is not a single standard. This leads to a plethora of sub-formats. The differences are mostly in which character is really used for separating values. It is not always a comma; it can be a semicolon or something else entirely. And the other points on which these files differ are how the values, which contain the separator character, escape and how newlines are handled. You might also come across TSV files, which are very similar to CSV but separated by tabs. These files can mostly be handled like CSV files and are quite common with MySQL.
In order to read and save these files, you need to first check the directory where they can be saved. In order to do that, we use...