The MySQL Workshop
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You will now continue working with Excel and MySQL by generating several VBA functions to read from MySQL using DSN and DSN-less connections to display the results. You will generate graphs and charts to analyze the data and learn how to autorun a macro so that the spreadsheet will automatically read the latest data and update the information, chart, and graphs. Sometimes, you just want to read specific data from a database but not create MySQL functions, procedures, or views to do it, so you will also be creating a generic data reader. This is a VBA function that you can pass in a SQL statement, which will be executed on the server and the results passed back; you will also learn how to use the returned data. These tasks will move you on to an advanced level of Excel programming.
All exercise and activity solution files for this chapter can be located here: https://github.com/PacktWorkshops/The-MySQL-Workshop/tree/master/Chapter12.