Elastic Stack 8.x Cookbook
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Using Query DSL in Elasticsearch opens the door to a powerful and flexible method for retrieving precise information from your indexed data. The Query Domain-Specific Language (Query DSL) provides an advanced approach for building queries with a JSON-like syntax. It enables the construction of search queries that include conditions, filters, aggregations, and more. In the first recipe, we will explore some basic Query DSL examples for our movie dataset.
To follow along with this recipe, you need a functional Elastic deployment that includes Elasticsearch and Kibana. To set up a cluster on Elastic Cloud, refer to the Installing Elastic Stack on Elastic Cloud recipe in Chapter 1.
Additionally, you’ll need the movie dataset we’ve previously indexed using the Indexing multiple documents using Bulk API recipe in Chapter 2.
You can find the code snippets for this recipe at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Elastic-Stack-8...