Quantum Machine Learning and Optimisation in Finance
By :

activation functions 192
activation unit 186
AdaBoost 167
addition operator
building from NAND gates 272
Adiabatic Quantum Computing (AQC) 88
implementation 111
power 96
principles 92
universality 124
adjustable one-qubit gates 295
adjustable two-qubit gates 304
amplitude estimation 679
analytic gradient approach 414
ancillary qubits 389, 651
AND gate 268
ansatz 416, 439, 531, 534
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) 186
artificial neuron 186
backpropagation 190
bagging 446
Bayesian Quantum Circuit (BQC) 650
Bell circuit 318
Bell states 318
binary digit (bit) 43, 267
binary integer linear programming problem 137
Black-Scholes parabolic PDE 689
Bloch sphere 287
Boltzmann distribution 209, 223
Boltzmann sampling 240
bootstrap 446
Chimera graph 120, 251, 699
classical benchmarking 154, 186, 444, 484
client clustering 578
client segmentation 578
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