Building Data Science Applications with FastAPI
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Congratulations! Through this chapter, you've discovered the basics of the Python language, a very clean and efficient language to work with. You've then been introduced to the more advanced concepts of list comprehensions and generators, which are idiomatic ways of handling sequences of data. Python is also a multi-paradigm language and you've seen how to leverage the object-oriented syntax.
Finally, you've discovered some of the most recent features of the language: type hinting, which allows static-type checking to reduce errors and speed up development, and asynchronous I/O, a set of new tools and syntax to maximize performance and allow concurrency while doing I/O-bound operations.
You're now ready to begin your journey with FastAPI! You'll see that the framework takes advantage of all those Python features to propose a fast and enjoyable development experience. In the next chapter, you'll learn how to write your very first...