Getting Started with Elastic Stack 8.0
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In Chapter 6, Collecting and Shipping Data with Beats, we explored how a key characteristic of modern IT environments is the concept of valuable data being generated in multiple parts of the technology stack. While Beats go a long way in collecting this data to send to Elasticsearch, a key challenge is transforming data to make it useful for search and analysis.
Logstash is a flexible Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) tool designed to solve this problem. While Logstash has no real dependency on Elasticsearch and Beats and can be used for any generic ETL use case, it plays a key role as part of the Elastic Stack.
Logstash is generally used in two main ways as part of the Elastic Stack:
Logstash can act as the receiver for data from sources such as Beats agents or Syslog streams. It can also listen for data over HTTP for any compatible source system to send events through.