Automated Machine Learning with Microsoft Azure
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Data scientists often come from research backgrounds and approach the work of building machine learning models methodically. After obtaining a business problem and determining what an AI solution looks like, the process looks like this:
If the model is acceptable in step 5, data scientists will proceed to step 6. If the model is unacceptable, they will return to step 3 and try different models and transformations. This process can be seen in Figure 1.2:
Figure 1.2 – Traditional approach to building a machine learning solution
While this process follows the five steps outlined in Figure 1.1, it's long and cumbersome. There are also specific drawbacks related to transforming data, building models, tuning hyperparameters, and deploying models. We will now take a closer look at the drawbacks inherent in this process that cause data science projects to fail slowly instead of quickly, greatly impacting the ROI problem:
Furthermore, different data transformations are required for different algorithms. Some algorithms can handle null values while others cannot. Some can handle highly imbalanced datasets, those in which you only have a few samples of a category you're trying to predict, while other algorithms break.
One algorithm may perform well if you remove outliers while another will be completely unaffected. Whenever you choose to try a new model, there's a high likelihood that you will need to spend time reengineering your data for your algorithm.
Thus, you have two choices: stick to models that perform decently without tuning or spend days to weeks tuning a model with high potential but no guarantee of success. Furthermore, you need a massive amount of algorithm-specific knowledge to become a successful data scientist using the traditional approach.
When hyperparameter tuning, it's common to do something called a grid search where every possible combination of parameters is trained over a specified numerical space. For example, say algorithm X has parameters A, B, and C, and you want to try setting A to 1, 2, and 3, B to 0 and 1, and C to 0.5, 1, and 1.5. Tuning this model requires building 3 x 2 x 3 = 15 machine learning models to find the ideal combination.
Now, 15 models may take a few minutes or a few days to train depending on the size of the data you are using, the algorithm you wish to employ, and your computing capacity. However, 15 models is very little. Many modern machine learning algorithms require you to tune five to six parameters over a wide range of values, producing hundreds to thousands of models in search of finding the best performance.
As a result of this lack of training, many companies use hacky infrastructures with an array of slapped-together technologies for machine learning deployment. A database query may be triggered by third-party software on a trigger. Data may be transformed using one computer language, stored in a file on a file share, and picked up by another process that scores the model in another language and saves it back to the file share. Fragile, ad hoc solutions are the norm, and for most data scientists, this is all on-the-job training.
Businesspeople, on the other hand, often care more about the why behind the prediction. Forgetting to include explainability undermines the trust end users need to place in machine learning, and as a result, many models end up unused.
All in all, building machine learning models takes a lot of time, and when 87% of AI projects fail to make it to production, that's a lot of time wasted. Gathering data and cleansing data are processes that, by themselves, take a lot of time.
Transforming data for each model, tuning hyperparameters, and figuring out and implementing a deployment solution can take even longer. In such a scenario, it's easy to focus on finding the best model possible and overlook the most important part of the project: earning the trust of your end users and ensuring your solution gets used. Luckily, there's a solution to a lot of these problems.