Tableau Prep Cookbook
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In the previous two recipes, Preparing Tableau Prep to work with R and Embedding R code in a Tableau Prep flow, you learned how to set up R, RStudio, and Rserve, as well as integrating an R script into Tableau Prep. The example script used was relatively basic and required no additional configuration. However, R is an extensible programming language, and many functions are bundled in what are called packages. In this recipe, we'll look at a more advanced script that has dependencies on such packages. You'll learn how to prepare R for these complex scripts that require additional preparation.
To follow along with this recipe, download the Sample Files 8.3 folder from this book's GitHub repository.
Important note
The R scripts in this book serve to illustrate the process of integrating R and Tableau Prep. Each dataset must be carefully analyzed prior to applying advanced functionality such as forecasting. The script...