Data Engineering with AWS
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In a data lake environment, you generally ingest data from many different source systems into a landing, or raw, zone. You then optimize the file format and partition the dataset, as well as applying cleansing rules to the data, potentially now storing the data in a different zone, often referred to as the clean zone. At this point, you may also apply updates to the dataset with CDC-type data and create the latest view of the data, which we examine in the next section.
The initial transforms we covered in the previous section could be completed without needing to understand too much about how the data is going to ultimately be used by the business. At that point, we were still working on individual datasets that will be used by downstream transformation pipelines to ultimately prepare the data for business analytics.
But at some point, you, or another data engineer working for a line of business, are going to need to use a variety of these ingested...