Limitless Analytics with Azure Synapse
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This chapter concludes the entire book. In this chapter, we learned about implementing the best practices for Synapse SQL pools and Spark pools. We learned how we keep indexes healthy in a SQL pool such that we gain better performance, and we also learned about using PolyBase and materialized views in Synapse dedicated SQL pools for enhanced performance. This chapter also included the best file type and size to be used in the case of a Synapse serverless SQL pool. Configuring the Auto pause setting to help save costs in terms of computational power was also highlighted in this chapter. Last but not least, we learned about memory considerations and bucketing in a Spark pool.
I am thankful to you for traveling with me on this learning journey. Congratulations on reaching the finish line in this book, and I wish you all the best as you continue exploring Azure Synapse.
Hope to meet you again in my next learning journey!