Tales of a hacker parked outside a home, and hacking into their network for malice, are legendary. Though these tales may exaggerate the ease and motivation of this scenario, there are many situations where it is best to only permit users inside the home, or, in the case of an enterprise environment, in a designated area, to have specified network privileges. In this recipe, you will utilize machine learning to localize an entity based on the Wi-Fi signal. The dataset we will be working with was collected in an indoor space by observing signal strengths of seven Wi-Fi signals visible on a smartphone. One of the four rooms is the decision factor.

Machine Learning for Cybersecurity Cookbook
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Machine Learning for Cybersecurity Cookbook
Overview of this book
Organizations today face a major threat in terms of cybersecurity, from malicious URLs to credential reuse, and having robust security systems can make all the difference. With this book, you'll learn how to use Python libraries such as TensorFlow and scikit-learn to implement the latest artificial intelligence (AI) techniques and handle challenges faced by cybersecurity researchers.
You'll begin by exploring various machine learning (ML) techniques and tips for setting up a secure lab environment. Next, you'll implement key ML algorithms such as clustering, gradient boosting, random forest, and XGBoost. The book will guide you through constructing classifiers and features for malware, which you'll train and test on real samples. As you progress, you'll build self-learning, reliant systems to handle cybersecurity tasks such as identifying malicious URLs, spam email detection, intrusion detection, network protection, and tracking user and process behavior. Later, you'll apply generative adversarial networks (GANs) and autoencoders to advanced security tasks. Finally, you'll delve into secure and private AI to protect the privacy rights of consumers using your ML models.
By the end of this book, you'll have the skills you need to tackle real-world problems faced in the cybersecurity domain using a recipe-based approach.
Table of Contents (11 chapters)
Machine Learning for Cybersecurity
Machine Learning-Based Malware Detection
Advanced Malware Detection
Machine Learning for Social Engineering
Penetration Testing Using Machine Learning
Automatic Intrusion Detection
Securing and Attacking Data with Machine Learning
Secure and Private AI
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