For this recipe, we will be using the bilateralFilter() function from OpenCV-Python. We need to start by downsampling the image to create an image pyramid (you will see more of this in the next chapter), followed by repeated application of small bilateral filters (to remove unimportant details) and upsampling the image to its original size. Next, you need to apply the median blur (to flatten the texture) followed by masking the original image with the binary image obtained by adaptive thresholding. The following code demonstrates the steps:
- Read the input image and initialize the parameters to be used later:
img = plt.imread("images/bean.png")
num_down = 2 # number of downsampling steps
num_bilateral = 7 # number of bilateral filtering steps
w, h, _ = img.shape
- Use the Gaussian pyramid's downsampling to reduce the image size (and make the subsequent operations faster):
img_color = np.copy(img)
for _ in range(num_down):
img_color = cv2.pyrDown(img_color)
- Apply bilateral filters (with a small diameter value) iteratively. The d parameter represents the diameter of the neighborhood for each pixel, where the sigmaColor and sigmaSpace parameters represent the filter sigma in the color and the coordinate spaces, respectively:
for _ in range(num_bilateral):
img_color = cv2.bilateralFilter(img_color, d=9, sigmaColor=0.1, sigmaSpace=0.01)
- Use upsampling to enlarge the image to the original size:
for _ in range(num_down):
img_color = cv2.pyrUp(img_color)
- Convert to the output image obtained from the last step and blur the image with the median filter:
img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
img_blur = cv2.medianBlur(img_gray, 7)
- Detect and enhance the edges:
img_edge = cv2.adaptiveThreshold((255*img_blur).astype(np.uint8), \
blockSize=9, C=2)
- Convert the grayscale edge image back into an RGB color image and compute bitwise AND with the RGB color image to get the final output cartoonish image:
img_edge = cv2.cvtColor(img_edge, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
img_cartoon = cv2.bitwise_and(img_color, img_edge)