The following steps need to be performed:
- Define the normalize() function to implement min-max normalization in an image:
def normalize(img):
return (img-np.min(img))/(np.max(img)-np.min(img))
- Implement the sketch() function that takes an image and the extracted edges as input:
def sketch(img, edges):
output = np.multiply(img, edges)
return output
- Implement a function to extract the edges from an image with anisotropic diffusion:
def edges_with_anisotropic_diffusion(img, niter=100, kappa=10, gamma=0.1):
output = img - anisotropic_diffusion(img, niter=niter, \
kappa=kappa, gamma=gamma, voxelspacing=None, \
output[output > 0] = 1
output[output < 0] = 0
return output
- Implement a function to extract the edges from an image with the dodge operation (there are two implementations):
def sketch_with_dodge(img):
orig = img
blur = gaussian(util.invert(img), sigma=20)
result = blur / util.invert(orig)
result[result>1] = 1
result[orig==1] = 1
return result
def edges_with_dodge2(img):
img_blurred = gaussian(util.invert(img), sigma=5)
output = np.divide(img, util.invert(img_blurred) + 0.001)
output = normalize(output)
thresh = threshold_otsu(output)
output = output > thresh
return output
- Implement a function to extract the edges from an image with a Difference of Gaussian (DOG) operation:
def edges_with_DOG(img, k = 200, gamma = 1):
sigma = 0.5
output = gaussian(img, sigma=sigma) - gamma*gaussian(img, \
output[output > 0] = 1
output[output < 0] = 0
return output
- Implement a function to produce sketches from an image with an Extended Difference of Gaussian (XDOG) operation:
def sketch_with_XDOG(image, epsilon=0.01):
phi = 10
difference = edges_with_DOG(image, 200, 0.98).astype(np.uint8)
for i in range(0, len(difference)):
for j in range(0, len(difference[0])):
if difference[i][j] >= epsilon:
difference[i][j] = 1
ht = np.tanh(phi*(difference[i][j] - epsilon))
difference[i][j] = 1 + ht
difference = normalize(difference)
return difference
If you run the preceding code and plot all of the input/output images, you will obtain an output like the following screenshot: