OpenCV.js is a port of some OpenCV functions using new technology that compiles C++ code into JavaScript. OpenCV uses Emscripten to compile C++ functions into Asm.js or WebAssembly targets. Emscripten is an LLVM-to-JavaScript compiler that compiles from low-level virtual machine (LLVM) bitcode to Asm.js or WebAssembly JavaScript, which can be executed in any new web browser. Emscripten works as follows:

The increase in web applications, and the news on web HTML5 standards such as WebGL or WebRTC that allow developers access to webcams, create emerging possibilities for new applications. OpenCV brings to web developers more powerful increase on the browser to develop new algorithms with OpenCV.js, allowing the use of computer vision algorithms and giving possibilities of new applications such as: web virtual reality, web augmented reality, face detection and...