The following are the instructions to install the PDI Community Edition (CE), irrespective of the operating system that you may be using:
- Make sure that you have JRE 8.0 installed.
If you don't have JRE 8.0 installed, download it from Redash source code by cloning the repository, and install it before proceeding. Make sure that the JAVA_HOME system variable is set.
- Go to the download page at:
- Choose the latest stable release. At the time of writing this book, it is 8.1, as shown in the following screenshot:

PDI on
- Download the available ZIP file, which will serve you for all platforms.
- Unzip the downloaded file in a folder of your choice (for example, c:/software/pdi or /home/pdi_user/pdi).
- Browse your disk and look for the PDI folder that was just created. You will see a folder named data-integration, with several subfolders (lib, plugins, samples, and more) and a bunch of scripts (spoon.bat, pan.bat, and others), which we will soon learn how to use.