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Artificial Intelligence with Python Cookbook

Artificial Intelligence with Python Cookbook

By : Kumar, Ben Auffarth
4.9 (7)
Artificial Intelligence with Python Cookbook

Artificial Intelligence with Python Cookbook

4.9 (7)
By: Kumar, Ben Auffarth

Overview of this book

Artificial intelligence (AI) plays an integral role in automating problem-solving. This involves predicting and classifying data and training agents to execute tasks successfully. This book will teach you how to solve complex problems with the help of independent and insightful recipes ranging from the essentials to advanced methods that have just come out of research. Artificial Intelligence with Python Cookbook starts by showing you how to set up your Python environment and taking you through the fundamentals of data exploration. Moving ahead, you’ll be able to implement heuristic search techniques and genetic algorithms. In addition to this, you'll apply probabilistic models, constraint optimization, and reinforcement learning. As you advance through the book, you'll build deep learning models for text, images, video, and audio, and then delve into algorithmic bias, style transfer, music generation, and AI use cases in the healthcare and insurance industries. Throughout the book, you’ll learn about a variety of tools for problem-solving and gain the knowledge needed to effectively approach complex problems. By the end of this book on AI, you will have the skills you need to write AI and machine learning algorithms, test them, and deploy them for production.
Table of Contents (13 chapters)

Predicting house prices in PyTorch

In this recipe, the aim of the problem is to predict house prices in Ames, Iowa, given 81 features describing the house, area, land, infrastructure, utilities, and much more. The Ames dataset has a nice combination of categorical and continuous features, a good size, and, perhaps most importantly, it doesn't suffer from problems of potential redlining or data entry like other, similar datasets, such as Boston Housing. We'll concentrate on the main aspects of PyTorch modeling here. We'll do online learning, analogous to Keras, in the Modeling and predicting in Keras recipe in Chapter 1, Getting Started with Artificial Intelligence in Python. If you want to see more details on some of the steps, please look at our notebook on GitHub.

As a little extra, we will also demonstrate neuron importance for the models developed in PyTorch. You can try out different network architectures in PyTorch or model types. The focus in this recipe is on the methodology, not an exhaustive search for the best solution.

Getting ready

In order to prepare for the recipe, we need to do a few things. We'll download the data as in the previous recipe, Transforming data in scikit-learn, and perform some preprocessing by following these steps:

from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml
data = fetch_openml(data_id=42165, as_frame=True)

You can see the full dataset description at OpenML:

Let's look at the features:

import pandas as pd
data_ames = pd.DataFrame(, columns=data.feature_names)
data_ames['SalePrice'] =

Here is the DataFrame information:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1460 entries, 0 to 1459
Data columns (total 81 columns):
Id               1460 non-null float64
MSSubClass       1460 non-null float64
MSZoning         1460 non-null object
LotFrontage      1201 non-null float64
LotArea          1460 non-null float64
Street           1460 non-null object
Alley            91 non-null object
LotShape         1460 non-null object
LandContour      1460 non-null object
Utilities        1460 non-null object
LotConfig        1460 non-null object
LandSlope        1460 non-null object
Neighborhood     1460 non-null object
Condition1       1460 non-null object
Condition2       1460 non-null object
BldgType         1460 non-null object
HouseStyle       1460 non-null object
OverallQual      1460 non-null float64
OverallCond      1460 non-null float64
YearBuilt        1460 non-null float64
YearRemodAdd     1460 non-null float64
RoofStyle        1460 non-null object
RoofMatl         1460 non-null object
Exterior1st      1460 non-null object
Exterior2nd      1460 non-null object
MasVnrType       1452 non-null object
MasVnrArea       1452 non-null float64
ExterQual        1460 non-null object
ExterCond        1460 non-null object
Foundation       1460 non-null object
BsmtQual         1423 non-null object
BsmtCond         1423 non-null object
BsmtExposure     1422 non-null object
BsmtFinType1     1423 non-null object
BsmtFinSF1       1460 non-null float64
BsmtFinType2     1422 non-null object
BsmtFinSF2       1460 non-null float64
BsmtUnfSF        1460 non-null float64
TotalBsmtSF      1460 non-null float64
Heating          1460 non-null object
HeatingQC        1460 non-null object
CentralAir       1460 non-null object
Electrical       1459 non-null object
1stFlrSF         1460 non-null float64
2ndFlrSF         1460 non-null float64
LowQualFinSF     1460 non-null float64
GrLivArea        1460 non-null float64
BsmtFullBath     1460 non-null float64
BsmtHalfBath     1460 non-null float64
FullBath         1460 non-null float64
HalfBath         1460 non-null float64
BedroomAbvGr     1460 non-null float64
KitchenAbvGr     1460 non-null float64
KitchenQual      1460 non-null object
TotRmsAbvGrd     1460 non-null float64
Functional       1460 non-null object
Fireplaces       1460 non-null float64
FireplaceQu      770 non-null object
GarageType       1379 non-null object
GarageYrBlt      1379 non-null float64
GarageFinish     1379 non-null object
GarageCars       1460 non-null float64
GarageArea       1460 non-null float64
GarageQual       1379 non-null object
GarageCond       1379 non-null object
PavedDrive       1460 non-null object
WoodDeckSF       1460 non-null float64
OpenPorchSF      1460 non-null float64
EnclosedPorch    1460 non-null float64
3SsnPorch        1460 non-null float64
ScreenPorch      1460 non-null float64
PoolArea         1460 non-null float64
PoolQC           7 non-null object
Fence            281 non-null object
MiscFeature      54 non-null object
MiscVal          1460 non-null float64
MoSold           1460 non-null float64
YrSold           1460 non-null float64
SaleType         1460 non-null object
SaleCondition    1460 non-null object
SalePrice        1460 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(38), object(43)
memory usage: 924.0+ KB

PyTorch and seaborn are installed by default in Colab. We will assume, even if you are working with your self-hosted install by now, that you'll have the libraries installed.

We'll use one more library, however, captum, which allows the inspection of PyTorch models for feature and neuron importance:

!pip install captum

There is one more thing. We'll assume you have a GPU available. If you don't have a GPU in your computer, we'd recommend you try this recipe on Colab. In Colab, you'll have to choose a runtime type with GPU.

After all these preparations, let's see how we can predict house prices.

How to do it...

The Ames Housing dataset is a small- to mid-sized dataset (1,460 rows) with 81 features, both categorical and numerical. There are no missing values.

In the Keras recipe previously, we've seen how to scale the variables. Scaling is important here because all variables have different scales. Categorical variables need to be converted to numerical types in order to feed them into our model. We have the choice of one-hot encoding, where we create dummy variables for each categorical factor, or ordinal encoding, where we number all factors and replace the strings with these numbers. We could feed the dummy variables in like any other float variable, while ordinal encoding would require the use of embeddings, linear neural network projections that re-order the categories in a multi-dimensional space.

We take the embedding route here:

import numpy as np
from category_encoders.ordinal import OrdinalEncoder
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

num_cols = list(data_ames.select_dtypes(include='float'))
cat_cols = list(data_ames.select_dtypes(include='object'))

ordinal_encoder = OrdinalEncoder().fit(
standard_scaler = StandardScaler().fit(

X = pd.DataFrame(
columns=cat_cols + num_cols

We go through the data analysis, such as correlation and distribution plots, in a lot more detail in the notebook on GitHub.

Now we can split the data into training and test sets, as we did in previous recipes. Here, we add a stratification of the numerical variable. This makes sure that different sections (five of them) are included at equal measure in both training and test sets:

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

bins = 5
sale_price_bins = pd.qcut(
X['SalePrice'], q=bins, labels=list(range(bins))
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(

Before going ahead, let's look at the importance of the features using a model-independent technique.

Before we run anything, however, let's make sure we are running on the GPU:

device = torch.device('cuda')
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True

Let's build our PyTorch model, similar to the Classifying in scikit-learn, Keras, and PyTorch recipe in Chapter 1, Getting Started with Artificial Intelligence in Python.

We'll implement a neural network regression with batch inputs using PyTorch. This will involve the following steps:

  1. Converting data to torch tensors
  2. Defining the model architecture
  3. Defining the loss criterion and optimizer
  4. Creating a data loader for batches
  5. Running the training

Without further preamble, let's get to it:

  1. Begin by converting the data to torch tensors:
from torch.autograd import Variable 

num_features = list(
set(num_cols) - set(['SalePrice', 'Id'])
X_train_num_pt = Variable(
X_train_cat_pt = Variable(
y_train_pt = Variable(
).view(-1, 1)
X_test_num_pt = Variable(
X_test_cat_pt = Variable(
y_test_pt = Variable(
).view(-1, 1)

This makes sure we load our numerical and categorical data into separate variables, similar to NumPy. If you mix data types in a single variable (array/matrix), they'll become objects. We want to get our numerical variables as floats, and the categorical variables as long (or int) indexing our categories. We also separate the training and test sets.

Clearly, an ID variable should not be important in a model. In the worst case, it could introduce a target leak if there's any correlation of the ID with the target. We've removed it from further processing.

  1. Define the model architecture:
class RegressionModel(torch.nn.Module): 

def __init__(self, X, num_cols, cat_cols, device=torch.device('cuda'), embed_dim=2, hidden_layer_dim=2, p=0.5):
super(RegressionModel, self).__init__()
self.num_cols = num_cols
self.cat_cols = cat_cols
self.embed_dim = embed_dim
self.hidden_layer_dim = hidden_layer_dim

self.embeddings = [
for col in cat_cols
hidden_dim = len(num_cols) + len(cat_cols) * embed_dim,

# hidden layer
self.hidden = torch.nn.Linear(torch.IntTensor(hidden_dim), hidden_layer_dim).to(device)
self.dropout_layer = torch.nn.Dropout(p=p).to(device)
self.hidden_act = torch.nn.ReLU().to(device)

# output layer
self.output = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_layer_dim, 1).to(device)

def forward(self, num_inputs, cat_inputs):
'''Forward method with two input variables -
numeric and categorical.
cat_x = [
torch.squeeze(embed(cat_inputs[:, i] - 1))
for i, embed in enumerate(self.embeddings)
x = + [num_inputs], dim=1)
x = self.hidden(x)
x = self.dropout_layer(x)
x = self.hidden_act(x)
y_pred = self.output(x)
return y_pred

house_model = RegressionModel(
data_ames, num_features, cat_cols

Our activation function on the two linear layers (dense layers, in Keras terminology) is the rectified linear unit activation (ReLU) function. Please note that we couldn't have encapsulated the same architecture (easily) as a sequential model because of the different operations occurring on categorical and numerical types.

  1. Next, define the loss criterion and optimizer. We take the mean square error (MSE) as the loss and stochastic gradient descent as our optimization algorithm:
criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss().to(device)
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(house_model.parameters(), lr=0.001)
  1. Now, create a data loader to input a batch of data at a time:
data_batch =
X_train_num_pt, X_train_cat_pt, y_train_pt
dataloader =
data_batch, batch_size=10, shuffle=True

We set a batch size of 10. Now we can do our training.

  1. Run the training!

Since this seems so much more verbose than what we saw in Keras in the Classifying in scikit-learn, Keras, and PyTorch recipe in Chapter 1, Getting Started with Artificial Intelligence in Python, we commented this code quite heavily. Basically, we have to loop over epochs, and within each epoch an inference is performance, an error is calculated, and the optimizer applies the adjustments according to the error.

This is the loop over epochs without the inner loop for training:

from tqdm.notebook import trange

train_losses, test_losses = [], []
n_epochs = 30
for epoch in trange(n_epochs):
train_loss, test_loss = 0, 0
# training code will go here:
# <...>

# print the errors in training and test:
if epoch % 10 == 0 :
'Epoch: {}/{}\t'.format(epoch, 1000),
'Training Loss: {:.3f}\t'.format(
train_loss / len(dataloader)
'Test Loss: {:.3f}'.format(
test_loss / len(dataloader)

The training is performed inside this loop over all the batches of the training data. This looks as follows:

    for (x_train_num_batch,
y_train_batch) in dataloader:
# predict y by passing x to the model
x_train_cat_batch, y_train_batch) = (,,
pred_ytrain = house_model.forward(
x_train_num_batch, x_train_cat_batch
# calculate and print loss:
loss = torch.sqrt(
criterion(pred_ytrain, y_train_batch)

# zero gradients, perform a backward pass,
# and update the weights.
train_loss += loss.item()
with torch.no_grad():
pred_ytest = house_model.forward(
X_test_num_pt, X_test_cat_pt
test_loss += torch.sqrt(
criterion(pred_ytest, y_test_pt)

train_losses.append(train_loss / len(dataloader))
test_losses.append(test_loss / len(dataloader))

This is the output we get. TQDM provides us with a helpful progress bar. At every tenth epoch, we print an update to show training and validation performance:

Please note that we take the square root of nn.MSELoss because nn.MSELoss in PyTorch is defined as follows:


Let's plot how our model performs for training and validation datasets during training:

np.array(train_losses).reshape((n_epochs, -1)).mean(axis=1),
label='Training loss'
np.array(test_losses).reshape((n_epochs, -1)).mean(axis=1),
label='Validation loss'

The following diagram shows the resulting plot:

We stopped our training just in time before our validation loss stopped decreasing.

We can also rank and bin our target variable and plot the predictions against it in order to see how the model is performing across the whole spectrum of house prices. This is to avoid the situation in regression, especially with MSE as the loss, that you only predict well for a mid-range of values, close to the mean, but don't do well for anything else. You can find the code for this in the notebook on GitHub. This is called a lift chart (here with 10 bins):

We can see that the model, in fact, predicts very closely across the whole range of house prices. In fact, we get a Spearman rank correlation of about 93% with very high significance, which confirms that this model performs with high accuracy.

How it works...

The deep learning neural network frameworks use different optimization algorithms. Popular among them are Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), Root Mean Square Propogation (RMSProp), and Adaptive Moment Estimation (ADAM).

We defined stochastic gradient descent as our optimization algorithm. Alternatively, we could have defined other optimizers:

opt_SGD = torch.optim.SGD(net_SGD.parameters(), lr=LR)
opt_Momentum = torch.optim.SGD(net_Momentum.parameters(), lr=LR, momentum=0.6)
opt_RMSprop = torch.optim.RMSprop(net_RMSprop.parameters(), lr=LR, alpha=0.1)
opt_Adam = torch.optim.Adam(net_Adam.parameters(), lr=LR, betas=(0.8, 0.98))

SGD works the same as gradient descent except that it works on a single example at a time. The interesting part is that the convergence is similar to the gradient descent and is easier on the computer memory.

RMSProp works by adapting the learning rates of the algorithm according to the gradient signs. The simplest of the variants checks the last two gradient signs and then adapts the learning rate by increasing it by a fraction if they are the same, or decreases it by a fraction if they are different.

ADAM is one of the most popular optimizers. It's an adaptive learning algorithm that changes the learning rate according to the first and second moments of the gradients.

Captum is a tool that can help us understand the ins and outs of the neural network model learned on the datasets. It can assist in learning the following:

  • Feature importance
  • Layer importance
  • Neuron importance

This is very important in learning interpretable neural networks. Here, integrated gradients have been applied to understand feature importance. Later, neuron importance is also demonstrated by using the layer conductance method.

There's more...

Given that we have our neural network defined and trained, let's find the important features and neurons using the captum library:

from captum.attr import (
for embedding in house_model.embeddings:

ing_house = IntegratedGradients(forward_func=house_model.forward, )
attr, delta = ing_house.attribute(
attr = attr.detach().numpy()

Now, we have a NumPy array of feature importances.

Layer and neuron importance can also be obtained using this tool. Let's look at the neuron importances of our first layer. We can pass on house_model.act1, which is the ReLU activation function on top of the first linear layer:

cond_layer1 = LayerConductance(house_model, house_model.act1)
cond_vals = cond_layer1.attribute(X_test, target=None)
cond_vals = cond_vals.detach().numpy()
df_neuron = pd.DataFrame(data = np.mean(cond_vals, axis=0), columns=['Neuron Importance'])
df_neuron['Neuron'] = range(10)

This is how it looks:

The diagram shows the neuron importances. Apparently, one neuron is just not important.

We can also see the most important variables by sorting the NumPy array we've obtained earlier:

df_feat = pd.DataFrame(np.mean(attr, axis=0), columns=['feature importance'] )
df_feat['features'] = num_features
by='feature importance', ascending=False

So here's a list of the 10 most important variables:

Often, feature importances can help us to both understand the model and prune our model to become less complex (and hopefully less overfitted).

See also

The PyTorch documentation includes everything you need to know about layer types, data loading, losses, metrics, and training:

A detailed discussion about optimization algorithms can be found in the following article: Geoffrey Hinton and others explain mini-batch gradient descent in a presentation slide deck: Finally, you can find all the details on ADAM in the article that introduced it:

Captum provides a lot of functionality as regards the interpretability and model inspection of PyTorch models. It's worth having a look at its comprehensive documentation at Details can be found in the original paper at

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