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AI Blueprints
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AI repeatedly suffers from the hype cycle: the rise of intense interest in using AI for as many applications as possible, followed by disillusionment and claims that AI could never do what was promised. Even worse, AI has been misunderstood so often that there's even a name for it, the "AI effect." As described by its originator, Larry Tesler, Intelligence is whatever machines haven't done yet (http://www.nomodes.com/Larry_Tesler_Consulting/Adages_and_Coinages.html). In other words, before the application is developed and deployed, it is called AI. Once it is generally available, the outcomes of this research and development are retroactively considered "just engineering" or "just software," and the allure of AI moves on to the next unrealized dream. For a classic example, A* search, used commonly in path-finding in games, was originally a novel AI technique in the 1960s. Now it's just...