HDFS is a software-based filesystem implemented in Java and it sits on top of the native filesystem. The main concept behind HDFS is that it divides a file into blocks (typically 128 MB) instead of dealing with a file as a whole. This allows many features such as distribution, replication, failure recovery, and more importantly distributed processing of the blocks using multiple machines. Block sizes can be 64 MB, 128 MB, 256 MB, or 512 MB, whatever suits the purpose. For a 1 GB file with 128 MB blocks, there will be 1024 MB/128 MB equal to eight blocks. If you consider a replication factor of three, this makes it 24 blocks. HDFS provides a distributed storage system with fault tolerance and failure recovery. HDFS has two main components: the NameNode and the DataNode. The NameNode contains all the metadata of all content of the filesystem: filenames, file permissions, and the location of each block of each file, and hence it is the most important machine in HDFS. DataNodes connect to the NameNode and store the blocks within HDFS. They rely on the NameNode for all metadata information regarding the content in the filesystem. If the NameNode does not have any information, the DataNode will not be able to serve information to any client who wants to read/write to the HDFS.
It is possible for NameNode and DataNode processes to be run on a single machine; however, generally HDFS clusters are made up of a dedicated server running the NameNode process and thousands of machines running the DataNode process. In order to be able to access the content information stored in the NameNode, it stores the entire metadata structure in memory. It ensures that there is no data loss as a result of machine failures by keeping a track of the replication factor of blocks. Since it is a single point of failure, to reduce the risk of data loss on account of the failure of a NameNode, a secondary NameNode can be used to generate snapshots of the primary NameNode's memory structures.
DataNodes have large storage capacities and, unlike the NameNode, HDFS will continue to operate normally if a DataNode fails. When a DataNode fails, the NameNode automatically takes care of the now diminished replication of all the data blocks in the failed DataNode and makes sure the replication is built back up. Since the NameNode knows all locations of the replicated blocks, any clients connected to the cluster are able to proceed with little to no hiccups.
The following diagram depicts the mapping of files to blocks in the NameNode, and the storage of blocks and their replicas within the DataNodes:

The NameNode, as shown in the preceding diagram, has been the single point of failure since the beginning of Hadoop.