Big Data Analytics with SAS
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In order to save time and resources, and to solve problems as quickly as possible, analytics must be implemented outside traditional data storage systems or analytical processing environments.
This is what led SAS to develop in-database and in-memory processing technologies, which were discussed earlier in this chapter. The SASEP is the underlying technology that enables in-database processing, and plays a key role in supporting in-memory solutions by prepping, transforming, and lifting data into memory. As the SASEP is more of an enabling technology, programmers make use of it once it has been installed and configured by an administrator or technical architecture. For more details of all the solutions that rely on the SASEP, see the following SAS documentation: SAS® 9.4 and SAS Viya 3.2 Programming Documentation / In-Database Products: Administrator's Guide - SAS® 9.4 In-Database Products: Administrator's Guide...