Big Data Analytics with SAS
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Data can be stored in many forms and in many systems. In Chapter 1, Setting Up the SAS® Software Environment, the topic of SAS data storage was covered from a SAS-centric view, meaning the options available to a user in storing data in SAS datasets. However, SAS can work and store data in a variety of other forms and formats. One of the most powerful features of SAS lies within the data management capabilities designed to read and, more importantly, write data efficiently from all sorts of storage, including database systems, flat files, spreadsheets, mainframe-based formats, and big data storage platforms such as Hadoop and SAP HANA. SAS developers work in partnership with many other vendors in co-developing SAS ACCESS engines, specifically designed to make reading and writing data from their systems as fast and seamless as possible. As a result, SAS data management solutions are used by many customers as a bridge to consolidate and/or share...