Statistics for Data Science
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The importance of having clean (and therefore reliable) data in any statistical project cannot be overstated. Dirty data, even with sound statistical practice, can be unreliable and can lead to producing results that suggest courses of action that are incorrect or that may even cause harm or financial loss. It has been stated that a data scientist spends nearly 90 percent of his or her time in the process of cleaning data and only 10 percent on the actual modeling of the data and deriving results from it.
So, just what is data cleaning?
Data cleaning is also referred to as data cleansing or data scrubbing and involves both the processes of detecting as well as addressing errors, omissions, and inconsistencies within a population of data.
This may be done interactively with data wrangling tools, or in batch mode through scripting. We will use R in this book as it is well-fitted for data science since it works with even very complex datasets, allows handling...