Learning Social Media Analytics with R
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In the most basic words, topic modeling is the process of finding out the hidden topics that exist in any document. We will try to explain the basic concept of topic modeling by using an analogy of a lavish buffet spread.
Suppose you go to a wedding that features a large number of items from various cuisines. You, being an absolute foodie, go to all the counters and collect a very large number of items at your table (with the obvious disapproving looks of other guests). Now one of your other friends arrives at the table and takes a look at the large number of food items at your table. He tries to guess the various cuisines on offer from the snapshot of items you have collected. He is able to do so because there is an association between the food item and the cuisine it comes from. For example, if you have various types of pasta and sea foods on your table, he could guess that a major cuisine at the buffet was Italian. This is very much similar to the thought process of exploring...