Apache Spark 2.x for Java Developers
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With the rise in multi-core CPUs, Java could not keep up with the change in its design to utilize that extra power available to its disposal because of the complexity surrounding concurrency and immutability. We will discuss this in detail, later. First let's understand the importance and usability of Java in the Hadoop ecosystem. As MapReduce was gaining popularity, Google introduced a framework called Flume Java that helped in pipelining multiple MapReduce jobs. Flume Java consists of immutable parallel collections capable of performing lazily evaluated optimized chained operations. That might sound eerily similar to what Apache Spark does, but then even before Apache Spark and Java Flume, there was Cascading, which built an abstraction over MapReduce to simplify the way MapReduce tasks are developed, tested, and run. All these frameworks were majorly a Java implementation to simplify MapReduce pipelines among other things.
These abstractions were simple in fact...