Mastering Blockchain

This section will give an introduction to new blockchain solutions. First, a new blockchain named Kadena is discussed in the following section.
Kadena is a recently-introduced private blockchain that has successfully addressed scalability and privacy issues in blockchain systems. A new Turing incomplete language called Pact has also been introduced with Kadena that allows the development of smart contracts. A key innovation in Kadena is its Scalable BFT consensus algorithm, which has the potential to scale to thousands of nodes without performance degradation. Scalable BFT is based on the original Raft algorithm and is a successor of Tangaroa and Juno. Tangaroa, which is a name given to an implementation of Raft with fault tolerance (a BFT Raft), was developed to address the availability and safety issues that arose from the behavior of byzantine nodes in the Raft algorithm, and Juno was a fork of Tangaroa that was developed by JPMorgan. Consensus algorithms are discussed...