Python Social Media Analytics
By :

Now that we have defined precisely the process and the techniques that we apply, we will move to the actual exercise of generating the code for the data analysis life cycle of extracting the data, storing it, cleaning it, and applying text mining techniques to analyze the content on the Facebook page of both Google and its users.
In the first step, we will define Facebook endpoints, which will be used to retrieve the data from Facebook. We need two different endpoints in order to be able to extract all the posts and comments from the Google Facebook page. Creation of an access token was explained in Chapter 2, Harnessing Social Data - Connecting, Capturing, and Cleaning and it is a prerequisite for connection to the Graph API. The access token should be stored in a dictionary params under a key access token.
The first endpoint will be used to extract all the posts:
page_url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/v2.8/Google/feed?fields=id,message,reactions,shares,from...