Python Social Media Analytics
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The last decade has seen an enormous growth of social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. Since 2009, another platform with a different format and objective has grown - Pinterest. Unlike conventional social media, which is used as a communication tool, Pinterest is described as a "catalog of ideas". It allows users to create pinboards, and to organize and share content over the web, based on interests and ideas.
We've explored the use of the Pinterest API and also advanced scraping techniques, using Selenium and BeautifulSoup, to gather data for learning purposes. However, these have time constraints to be scalable. Therefore, we extracted the data from our own pinboard using the endpoints (user, board, and pins) and the search results on the topic of fashion. For data analysis, we used bigram analysis to extract a list of topics on our own pins and then visualized it in a graph structure using NetworkX (via fruschterman_reingold_layout
). We then studied centrality...