Learning Apache Spark 2
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You are on Facebook and being a privacy freak you lie about almost everything on your profile including your personal information, but Facebook is still able to recommend a huge number of people that you have met in daily life, and acquaintances that you might have met a decade ago. If you weren't smart enough, you would think that it is magic. If you are still wondering about this mystery (without thinking it is magic), you aren't the only one. This mystery led to a full scale investigation by the Irish Data Protection Commissioner; however, what we all believe today is that Facebook hasn't been malicious about their suggestions, but rather has used Graph algorithms to the most optimum effect. When you sign-up for Facebook, you may allow Facebook access to your contacts (desktop, e-mail, and phone numbers), and using these details Facebook would try to find other users who have similar information on their contacts and build an initial social circle of friends and...