Neo4j Graph Data Modelling
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Reviews and ratings help travelers to decide on a hotel to stay at when travelling to or transiting through a particular place. However, reviews are dependent on people's personal tastes. A few other inputs that can help travelers make a better decision are:
Hotels which are from the same chain
Hotels which other similar travelers have stayed at
Hotels in a particular price range
These parameters aren't well defined, and we will define each of these better when we explore each scenario. Also, these aren't the only parameters that necessarily need to be considered, as recommendations can be made around any set of parameters.
It's easier to start with recommending hotels from the same chain that the traveler has visited earlier. We will assume that a traveler has visited a hotel if he has written a review for it. In all the queries for the recommendation of a hotel, we have constrained the search to an airport since they are mostly transit hotels.
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