Neo4j Graph Data Modelling
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Every morning when we check our Facebook feed, we are welcomed by a stream of updates from friends and news. Using information about how data is connected and matching it with our individual preferences, Facebook builds a stream of activities from our network that are relevant and interest us. LinkedIn does something similar while suggesting jobs within our network. When we fire up Google Maps or some application such as TomTom or Sygic maps and start navigating to a destination, we use the data that represents connections of various intersections within the city, and work out how best to traverse it. While shopping online, products are recommended to us based on how closely they are connected to what we have already bought or similar products that others have bought. We leverage connected data more and more every day without realizing it.
When dealing with connected data, a graph database gives us the following advantages:
While all that has been said might seem like jargon, it boils down to economics. Graph databases make more economic sense when the data is highly connected.
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