Mastering Redis
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Redis Publisher/Subscriber - Pub/Sub for short - is a messaging model that is fast and stable. Instead of processes sending messages directly to each other, a publisher or sender submits messages to one or more channels and the receivers or subscribers that have subscribed to a channel receive all messages posted to the specific channels. If you design your application being mindful of race conditions and the possibility of delivery failure, Pub/Sub offers fast messaging solutions.
Conceptually, Redis Pub/Sub is similar to Really Simple Syndication (RSS), or the atom formats used by websites to publish feeds for consumption by clients or readers. In either case, neither the website publisher nor the consuming client are directly sending messages to each other. The client connects and consumes the content from feeds from those websites' publications – either blogs, data, podcasts, or other media. Like RSS, Redis Pub/Sub, and other publish/subscribe systems, the advantage...