Mastering Redis
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In 2015, Salvatore Sanfilippo creator and principal developer of Redis, accepted a position at Redis Labs as the lead for open source development and Redis Labs also became the principal sponsor of Redis as well. Redis Labs is headquartered in Mountain View, California with their Research and Development offices located in Tel Aviv, Israel. Redis Labs offers two Redis products (as well as a Memecached hosting service) Redis Labs Enterprise Cluster (RLEC) and Redis Cloud. RLEC is an enterprise cluster product that encapsulates multiple Redis databases into a highly scalable and available environment running in a Docker container. RLEC supports multiple types of configuration including a single Redis instance with one Master node, highly available Redis master instance with one or more Redis slave instances, a Redis cluster database with multiple master shards, and finally a setup similar to Redis Cluster with multiple master shards instances with each master being replicated to...