Redis 4.x Cookbook

We learned the data types and many useful features of Redis in Chapter 2, Data Types and Chapter 3, Data Features. In this chapter, we'll focus on the topic of application development with Redis.
First, we start by introducing some common Redis use cases to give you a brief idea of how Redis works in the real world.
After that, some guidelines will be provided for how to choose correct value types and APIs. It's very essential to follow these guidelines when developing applications with Redis because unlike most RDBMSes, you barely do anything to optimize the processing power of Redis by only tweaking the configuration on the server side. Using proper data types and APIs at the very beginning of application design is the key factor for making full use of the high performance of Redis and avoiding its pitfalls at the same time.
After the design guidelines, we are going to show how to develop an application with Redis using Java and Python. Spring Data Redis is also covered for web...