ElasticSearch Cookbook
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The previous recipe describes a facet type that can be very useful if facets are returned on terms or on a limited number of items. Otherwise, it's often required to return the facets aggregated in ranges: the range
facets answers this requirement. Common scenarios are:
Price range (used in shops)
Size range
Alphabetical range
You need a working ElasticSearch cluster and an index populated with the script available in the online code.
For executing range facets, we will perform the steps given as follows:
We want to provide three types of facet ranges:
Price facet, that aggregates the price of items in ranges
Age facet, that aggregates the age contained in document in four ranges of 25 years
Date facet, the ranges of 6 months of the previous year and all this year
To obtain this result, we need to execute a similar query:
curl -XGET '' -d '{ "query": { "match_all"...
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