The Azure Cloud Native Architecture Mapbook
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In this section, we will browse the main security-related services, with a special focus on identity, the cloud's primary defense layer. Our objective is to make you realize the importance of identity in Azure. We already covered most of the network plumbing in Chapter 3, Infrastructure Design, so we will now essentially review some service-specific network features. We will also look at the various encryption possibilities, and more globally, how to handle your security posture. Figure 7.1 shows the security areas that we will explore:
Figure 7.1 – The security architecture map
Important note
To see the full security architecture map (Figure 7.1), you can download the PDF file at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/The-Azure-Cloud-Native-Architecture-Mapbook/blob/master/Chapter07/maps/Security%20Architecture.pdf.
Our map has six top-level groups: