The Azure Cloud Native Architecture Mapbook
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Containers are everywhere and on everyone's lips! In the following sections, we will explore Azure's container offering.
The Azure platform supports different flavors, which range from single-container support to full orchestrators. The solution architecture map already describes the different high-level use cases. Therefore, let's zoom deeper with a richer map that specifically targets containers (see Figure 2.16):
Figure 2.16 – Zoom in on containers
Microservices are one of the top use cases for running container orchestrators, such as AKS. Service Fabric Mesh has been designed at its core to deal with microservice architectures, by providing both stateless and stateful services. However, over the past 2 years, the adoption of Kubernetes worldwide has grown so fast that Microsoft's focus has now shifted to AKS. To bring statefulness (and more) to services in your AKS cluster, you can leverage...