Automating Workflows with GitHub Actions
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Chapter 1, Learning the Foundations of GitHub Actions, introduces GitHub, YAML, and other concepts that are the foundation of GitHub Actions.
Chapter 2, Deep-Diving into GitHub Actions, presents specific concepts, components, and characteristics of GitHub Actions in more detail.
Chapter 3, A Closer Look at Workflows, presents in-depth information about workflows, the core of GitHub Actions. This chapter includes several real-life examples.
Chapter 4, Working with Self-Hosted Runners, gives an overview of what self-hosted runners are, how to create an environment to host runners, and creating a workflow that uses a self-hosted runner.
Chapter 5, Writing Your Own Actions, guides you on creating actions of all three kinds: Docker, JavaScript, and composite run steps.
Chapter 6, Marketplace: Finding Existing Actions and Publishing Your Own, guides you on how to find existing actions that were created by the GitHub Actions community, and how to publish actions that you create.
Chapter 7, Migrations, looks at how to migrate from other CI/CD platforms such as Azure Pipelines, GitLab CI/CD, and Jenkins into GitHub Actions.
Chapter 8, Contributing to the Community and Finding Help, covers how you can participate in the GitHub Actions community to both ask for and offer help.
Chapter 9, The Future of GitHub Actions, takes a look at the public GitHub roadmap and highlights GitHub Actions features that will be added in the future.