Automating Workflows with GitHub Actions
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Excellent work! Now that you have completed Chapter 4, Working with Self-Hosted Runners, you have discovered how self-hosted runners can add flexibility and customization to your workflows. By hosting your own runner application, you can build a hosting machine and pick hardware and software that are not available for GitHub-hosted runners.
You walked through the steps of installing and configuring the runner application in your host machine.
You also revisited a workflow that previously used a GitHub-hosted runner, and recreated the job using a self-hosted runner. You practiced adding a self-hosted runner in a workflow by simply using the right key and the right labels: runs-on: [self-hosted, macOS, dev-runner]
Finally, you reviewed the contents of runner and job log files, while learning how to manage and maintain self-hosted runners.
Learning about self-hosted runners gives you the flexibility to try any of the workflow examples throughout this book in your...