Ansible Tower is the Red Hat proprietary layer that sits on top of the Ansible project engine. It is made up of a number of add-ons and modules, composed of REST APIs and web services, that work together to create a friendly web interface that acts as an automation hub from which the IT administrator can select a number of tasks or playbooks to be executed on a number of machines. It still relies on the Ansible Engine to send commands and collect the reports. Ansible Tower cleverly collects the status of tasks and the reports that come back from hosts. All of this data is presented in the Ansible dashboard, showing hosts, the status of the inventory, and the recent jobs, activities, and snapshots:
Ansible Tower can only be installed on Red Hat 7, CentOS 7, and Ubuntu 14.04/16.04 LTS.
Ansible Tower scales as the environment grows, and acts accordingly by showing in real-time all the statuses of the hosts, tasks, and playbooks. It highlights the successful playbook jobs, as well as those that failed to run, in order to troubleshoot any issues. In its multi-playbook workflows, the user can create pipelines of playbooks to be executed in sequence on any type of inventory, using one or more users' credentials and on a personalized timescale. With pipelining enabled, an IT administrator can automate complex operations (application provisioning, continuous deployment with containers, running test workflows) by breaking them down into smaller tasks using pipelines and, depending on the output (success or failure), run a specific play.
Ansible Tower offers a smart inventory platform that enables you to pull the host's inventory from any source, including a public or private cloud, or a local CMDB. The smart inventory builds hosts caching, which allows the user to run playbooks based on the facts of the hosts, which are pieces of information and properties related to them and gathered by Ansible. It also allows you to set up built-in notifications about the status of tasks, workflows, and playbooks via email, SMS, and push notifications on third-party platforms, such as Slack or Hipchat. Ansible Tower also allows task scheduling for routine updates, device patching, and custom backup schedule options. The following diagram shows the layers of the full Ansible Engine provided by Red Hat:

Currently, Red Hat Ansible Tower offers a 30-day trial license for a hands-on exploration and test of its features. Any user can use it to decide if their environment will benefit from it.
In this book, we will mainly focus on the open source Ansible Engine, as it is free and accessible to everyone. We believe that learning Ansible has to be started with the basic no-UI version to better understand the inner mechanics of the tool. The reader can migrate easily to Ansible Tower with the engine skills that they have already acquired.