A Vagrantfile can be quite a complex collection of configuration options. There are multiple options, such as basic string values, configuration blocks, array values, and much more. It can be quite common to write out a Vagrantfile, go to run vagrant up or a similar command, and be faced with an error.
An example of a Vagrant error after running the vagrant up command is as follows:

Let's dissect the error in the preceding screenshot. The first clue is a reference to the line number Vagrantfile:24; in other words, line 24 of the Vagrantfile. This error also gives us the type of error: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting keyword_end # accessing "localhost:8080" will access port on. This could mean that a config block or loop has no end value set, or we have tried to set an incomplete variable.
An easy way to check a Vagrantfile...