My wife enjoyed the Matching strings by regular expressions recipe very much. But, she wanted more and told me that I'll get no food until I promote the recipe to be able to replace parts of the input string according to a regex match.
Ok, here it comes. Each matched sub-expression (part of the regex in parenthesis) must get a unique number starting from 1; this number would be used to create a new string.
This is how an updated program should work like:
Available regex syntaxes:
[0] Perl
[1] Perl case insensitive
[2] POSIX extended
[3] POSIX extended case insensitive
[4] POSIX basic
[5] POSIX basic case insensitive
Choose regex syntax: 0
Input regex: (\d)(\d)
String to match: 00
MATCH: 0, 0,
Replace pattern: \1#\2
String to match: 42
MATCH: 4, 2,
Replace pattern: ###\1-\1-\2-\1-\1###
RESULT: ###4-4...